Best Nature Photos from 2012

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I’ve looked back over my archives to bring you my best nature photos from 2012. Furthermore it may not have been the most productive year in regards to writing blog posts but it was probably the busiest year for me. As a result the weeds became that much bigger and some even went to seed. Consequently the lawn wasn’t cut quite as often. Moreover I spent most of my free time exploring with my camera and working on my sub domain


 Best Nature Photos from 2012

I became a Pixel Keeper …

best nature photos 2012 - Gerbera
best nature photos 2012 – Gerbera

2012 was the year when I was determined to become a pixel keeper. However I’m not talking about storage on external hard drives! Composition right in the camera was what I sought this year rather than relying on a crop tool afterwards. And it got better as the year went on!

I ventured into the Blue Hour ….

It wasn’t a great year for getting time to photograph sunrises and sunsets but how about nautical twilight instead?

best nature photos 2012 - blue hour photography with a clock illuminated on a tower
best nature photos 2012 – blue hour photography

I went all atmospheric and moody…

and it wasn’t anything to do with hormones!  Weather conditions like misty wet afternoons were a great excuse to get out into the garden and beyond to take some atmospheric nature images.

This one says confidence to me

I went tap, tap, tapping into my creative side…

Sometimes I just spent ages trying to creatively photograph a flower……..studying it from every possible angle and then finally pressing that shutter.  sigh………how time flies when you’re having fun!

best nature photos 2012 - pink tiers of Candelabra primroses

best nature photos 2012 – Candelabra primroses

I found the Millers Crimson candelabra primroses fascinating to photograph. They have such great swirls, tiers and whorls of flowers along their powdery tall grey stems.

I discovered my style…

It was also the year when I embraced haze. I know so many of you avoid it but I embraced it as I love soft, dreamy and romantic floral and nature images.

best nature photos 2012 - purple flowers with dew drops
best nature photos 2012 – dew drops

Oh I got wet, wet, wet …

Here in the UK we had our wettest summer yet so I revisited taking refractions with my macro lens.

best nature photos 2012 - refractions from a white shasta daisy
best nature photos 2012 – refractions
Follow Rosie Nixon:

Photography Tutor and Gardener

Rosie is a garden photographer, writer and nature lover. She enjoys soaking up nature and is easily distracted from doing the weeding by anything that flutters, flies, buzzes, creeps or crawls! She enjoys sharing the beauty of creation through her photography. Rosie has been featured on TV on BBC2's The Beechgrove Garden and she uses the outdoors as her natural light studio. Her work can be seen at one of Scotland's only photography galleries - Close Gallery, 4b Howe Street, Edinburgh.

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17 Responses

  1. shiraz

    Nice Is Nice and artwork of Rosie Is very nice. I love your artworks.
    Your friend ,
    Mehran Akhzari

  2. Melanie J Watts

    Love your photos Rosie. It looks and sounds like you had fun with your camera. Neatly weeded garden beds and mowed lawns are for gardeners with hired help.

  3. Michelle Reed

    Just wanted to say, sweet friend, that these are some *amazing* photos!! I love each one more every time I scroll through! (I'm getting the bug again! almost there!!!!)


  4. Mara

    It's such a shame we don't live closer to each other. I have the same problem finding people to go out with… Male photographers don't seem to have this problem 🙁

  5. Angie

    Your skill amazes me!! Those shots are absolutely stunning and each one a masterpiece in itself.

  6. Kalantikan

    Dear Rosie, Happy New Year, and may the full blessings be with you! I have known you for quite a while and i agree these are some of your most wonderful photos, and you are one of the best I've followed in blogworld. You are also an inspiration, although i can't cope with your technology knowledge, i am sure I learned a lot and imbibed many things, e.g. composition! Thank you so much Rosie for all of these. More power and God bless!

  7. Alistair

    Rosie, if I were given pictures from all the bloggers which I visit, I would manage to pick out your dreamy ones. Looking forward to catching up with you from time to time in 2013.

  8. Louise

    Those are great photos. My husband and I plan to buy a dslr camera, but we still can't afford it.

  9. Anonymous

    Every single photo is remarkable and now placed in heart, amazing. may god bless you long life.
    Happy New year 2014