Picture this

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It’s been such a long time since I last participated in any of the Gardening Gone Wild Competitions. This month the Picture This subject is ‘light in the macro or close up world’ judged by photographer Alan Detrick.


He’s the author of “Macro Photography for Gardeners and Nature Lovers”. He also conducts many workshops on garden photography for American Horticultural Society, Garden Writers Association, Garden Club of America, Brookside Gardens, Chanticleer Gardens, Longwood Gardens, Mohonk Mountain House and New York Botanical Gardens.


When we think of an oriental poppy I’m sure we visualize those crepe paper petals with smudges of pollen inside. I have many different coloured poppies here in the garden. But my favourite is called ‘Royal Wedding’. It has large white petals with purple blotches. There is something just so exquisite when you look beyond those white papery petals. Especially when there’s a little of the light radiating up through the lower section of the petals. The textures and colours of those inner parts reveal a new beauty of the flower to me. And I hope they do the same to you too.


Furthermore I’m submitting my very ethereal photograph of the inner parts of an oriental poppy to the contest.


Poppy Royal Wedding
Poppy Royal Wedding

Photography was once described as painting with light. – Anonymous 

Edit to add that I won the gold medal for this photograph at Picture This!


Here’s what the judge Alan Detrick had to say:
This image is done with technical perfection and without loosing any of the artistic feel. The soft side lighting gives just the right amount of shadow to show off the texture. The color saturation and focus are crafted to perfection. The Gold Medal is well deserved.


You don’t need to use a fancy camera to get a good photograph. I didn’t use a dslr for this shot but a fuji bridge camera using the super macro setting.

Follow Rosie Nixon:

Photography Tutor and Gardener

Rosie is a garden photographer, writer and nature lover. She enjoys soaking up nature and is easily distracted from doing the weeding by anything that flutters, flies, buzzes, creeps or crawls! She enjoys sharing the beauty of creation through her photography. Rosie has been featured on TV on BBC2's The Beechgrove Garden and she uses the outdoors as her natural light studio. Her work can be seen at one of Scotland's only photography galleries - Close Gallery, 4b Howe Street, Edinburgh.

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22 Responses

  1. Alistair

    Rosie, that is a magnificent shot. I am still using auto, and not likely to change now.

  2. Gerry Snape

    what an amazing photo! I can just about get my head around how technical you have to be to produce something so natural. I love it!

  3. kanak7

    This is so very beautiful, Rosie! I hope you win….with photographs like these, we see blooms in such a different perspective. Superb!!

  4. Jayne

    Wow – awesome photo! One day I really must learn to use my camera in something other than the auto settings!

  5. sequoiagardens

    This is spectacular, Rosie. What I like is that we are getting immense detail and awesome 'info' about the poppy flower's structure, without falling into the trap of 'prettiness' – supported by the very matter-of-fact vertical composition. My winner to date, for sure! Jack

  6. Anna

    Oh that's absolutely exquisite Rosie and a definite winner in my book. I was at a plant sale at the weekend where that particular poppy was on sale. She proved to be very popular.

  7. Cathy and Steve

    Okay, this is my favorite, hands down! You have captured utter, exquisite detail as well as the absolute luminescence of the petals. I've never seen anything quite like this!

    Thanks for setting the bar so high…. I have miles to go before I sleep! It's going to be QUITE a atretch for me!!

    Cathy in MA

  8. Diana

    I knew it was a winner when I first saw it. Congratulations Rosie! Beautiful.

  9. landscapelover

    You were up against some fabulous shots in the GGW competition and yet you romped home! Congratulations on the gold medal. Your photo has helped me see poppies in a whole new light.